Steps to Create a Statement of Purpose for Your Dissertation

The purpose statement or the thesis statement gives the goal or objective of your dissertation and hence is considered the backbone of your entire research paper.

A thesis or purpose statement provides a base for your dissertation to stand on and identifies a problem that exists in the theoretical framework which needs to be analyzed and expanded. A purpose statement of a dissertation answers the questions about why that particular problem is being studied. A purpose statement also needs to convince the reader about the validity, and authenticity of one’s college dissertations.

Instruction 1: one of the basic template to form a purpose statement is to start a sentence with ‘the purpose of this study is to  …’. This type of sentence can help a student clarify exactly what he wants to write his dissertation on and what is its purpose.

Instruction 2:  The purpose statement should be written in such a way that a person who is not knowledgeable in that discipline will still be able to comprehend the meaning of the study. The first step to ensure that is to make sure that at least the purpose statement is clear to you as well; if not, then you can be sure that it won’t be understandable to the user as well.

Instruction 3: A student should provide a concise background to the problem that will be studied i.e the purpose of the research. This can be revised and re written later and can be only a few sentences in length.

Instruction 4: A student should give the justification of why he needs to conduct a study on this topic so that its purpose becomes clearer for the readers. This can be included with the purpose statement as well, but some research committees prefer to keep them in separate sections, so ensure the requirements of your university as well.

Instruction 5: Write down the statement related to the conceptual framework of the dissertation. In this section you will have to justify why you have chosen the particular studies and literature that you have written in the literature review.

Instruction 6: When deciding what types of term you will define, make sure that the descriptions are either operational or descriptive. You will need to identify the main concepts around which your dissertation revolves.

Instruction 7: Write down the kinds of methods that you will use to research your topic, and give the justification for why you have chosen those research methodologies.

Instruction 8: Write down the draft of your purpose statement ensuring that all the main points are addressed in the statement.

Instruction 9: After the draft has been finished, take a break for a couple of days. Then come back and review it with a fresh mind. This can help you identify any gaps left in your statement and help you  with your dissertation editing.

Instruction 10: Ask your dissertation supervisor to review it and then print its final draft.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

