Steps to Write an Argumentative Research Paper

An argumentative research paper serves to persuade a reader to acknowledge and accept a writer’s opinions and point of views on a certain topic based on research. A strong argumentative college research paper with relevant evidence and support to claim can convince an audience about a certain stance. Below are a few steps on how to write a good argumentative research paper.

Topic Selection: The choice of topic should be well thought out as it should be one that interests the audience as well as the writer. The topic should have enough information available on it both from primary and secondary research as the writer will need to find relevant and sufficient information to create an argument on his behalf.

Research: The next step is to conduct primary and secondary research through published content and market survey. This can enable you to get information that can offer support to your argument and opposition.

Audience: If you are writing an argumentative college research paper, you need to keep the audience in mind. If you do not write the research paper as per the customers’ interest, you will not be able to hold their attention.

Test: Before presenting your research paper or even writing it, you need to pass it through a test with a peer. You need to argue with the peer, with its opposing view so that you can refine your skill before writing.

Title: The title serves two purposes: to grip the attention of the reader and to give the gist of the purpose of the dissertation, thesis or research paper. Hence the title needs to be catchy as well as descriptive. Titles that are too short do not sufficiently communicate the idea of the research paper causing the audience to lose interest. A two part descriptive title can help to make it more interesting as well as more informative.

Introduction: The introduction introduces the topic by giving a bit of background information. It is also one of the most difficult chapters to start so most students prefer to write it in the end.

Main Body: The main body consists of many paragraphs which support the argument and opposes its contradictory theory. You need to research the topic at hand to get supporting claim for your theory.

Conclusion: The aim of the conclusion is to write down the findings from the essay, re assert your claim about the argumentative research topics and ensure that the audience agree with your point of view.

These are a few basic steps which when followed can help a person write a good argument in his case.

Patricia is a custom dissertation service provider for a premium online academic writing resource called WritingJunction.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

